Processed World 25 is almost out of print.
When we run out, it will be shipped as a photocopy.

Cover Graphic by J.R. Swanson


Talking Heads

introduction, by michael botkin & collective


from our readers

Excerpts From Europe

travelogue by glenn caley bachmann

Journey to the Land of "F"

tale of traveling toil by club med-o

Violence Processing: Fighting Words and South Africa

travel toil by william brummer

The First-Hand Look, and other perceptual problems...

tale of traveling toil by chris carlsson

Pranks R Us

the billboard liberation front manual


by peter bates

The Hot One

smoldering fiction by chaz bufe

Just Two Precious Weeks?!!

analysis by primitivo morales


analysis by primitivo morales

A Nine-Candle Evening

poem by josiah r. leet

Reflections of an Immigrant

by malgorzata g.

The Right To Be Lazy

book review by primitivo morales


by adam cornford, john j. soldo, janice king, adam quest, christopher hershey, christopher r. barnes,

jim dewitt, richard wilmarth & glenn caley bachmann

The Occult Revival

fiction by don webb

Travailler Deux Heures Par Jour (To Work 2 Hours A Day)

reviewed & translated by frog

Six Kinds of Darkness

excerpted fiction by john shirley