“bred of disdain,
this foundling nuance…” It is as though
some initiate
here to address
this vitriol,
Wet behind
the years
some damp history
Tea in this
a brewing,
magnified touch
Rather sweaty
palms might betray
until spoken
to he awaits the fray
How tedious
the Governor's breezy prattle
a shred of
attention in this weasels' battle
It has been
said that there is nothing
to make even
the strongest of men shrink;
A welcome lull
thus becalms the gale,
but suddenly
he bursts forth, a bolder wind in his sails
In that instant
the dour note had struck
as the entire
starched still-life became stuck
The mortified
youth weighed the remote chance
against the
probability that his yet smouldering pants
Multiple mega-eons
seemed to elapse
a composureless
call for a match
A senator was
first with the tinder remedy
although these
proceedings bore no small levity
The young innocent
trembling under the weight
he managed
to look straight upon this muted array
The ever-genteel
assembly prepared to ignore
when at last
he spoke and demurely implored
R. Leet