Outlaw Bicycling
Sustainable Biofuelers
Permaculture scientists
Urban Gardeners
Burning Man
Net work

Nowtopia: The Book
About the author
Public Appearances
Reviews and Interviews


Outlaw Bicycling
Sustainable Biofuelers
Permaculture scientists
Urban Gardeners
Burning Man
Net work

Nowtopia: The Book
About the author
Public Appearances
Reviews and Interviews

7th Street Community Garden, 7th and Langton, San Francisco.
Filipino-American mural on wall.

East 4th Street Community Garden, Brooklyn, NY.

7th Street Community Garden, 7th and Langton, San Francisco.

Alemany Farm/St. Mary's Youth Garden, San Francisco, I-280 at southern edge.

Alemany Farm/St. Mary's Youth Garden, San Francisco.

Community Garden in Brooklyn, NY.

Community Garden in Brooklyn, NY.

East 4th Street Community Garden, Brooklyn, NY.

Guerrilla garden at Fulton and Stanyan, summer 2007, San Francisco.



7th Street Community Garden, 7th and Langton, San Francisco.

Liz Christy Community Garden, Houston Street, Manhattan, NY.

Dearborn Community Garden, Mission District, San Francisco.

Hollenback Community Garden, Brooklyn, NY.

Main Street Community Garden, Santa Monica, CA.

Main Street Community Garden, Santa Monica, CA.

Main Street Community Garden, Santa Monica, CA.

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