Shitting Headsintro & editorial by primitivo morales, et. al. Lettersfrom our readers Looting: A Martian Analysiscomic by h. d'andrade Out Of Line at the Earth Summit: A Processed Diaryreport from the earth summit in rio de janeiro, by jon christensen, w/ jeremy narby & glen switkes Nine Guides to Saving the Planet (Not!)book reviews by jon christensen Owning Ideas: A Debatea debate on intellectual property rights, by jon christensen & primitivo morales A Shit Raiser Speaks!interview with Judi Bari, by chris carlsson & med-o Processed Shit: Capitalism, Racism & Entropyanalysis by adam cornford Thrifters: Second-Hand Shitfiction by marina lazzara Poetryby dale w. russell, richard osborn hood, muriel karr, john m. bennett, d.s. black, dave linn, edward mycue, richard wool, david fox, scott c. holstad & jack evans God's Worktale of toil: supervising the mentally hanicapped, by jeff kelly Confessions of a Sperm Donortail of toil by iguana mente REVIEWS:The Let's Get small Press Department,'zine reviews by d.s. black American Dreamreview of american dream, a video about the hormel strike, by chris carlsson The Productivity Work-Overreview of juliet b. schor's the overworked american, by mickey d. A River's Revenge: Surrealist Implications of the Chicago Floodby the chicago surrealist group 9-1-1fiction by david alan goldstein DOWNTIME!Avon Calling: From Hell!tale of toil: avon factory, by donald phillips Rustbelt Archipelagoanalysis by p.m., zurich, switxerland Ravin'satirical poem by primitivo morales (apologies to e.a. poe) What Work Matters?analysis by chris carlsson