the radical simplification
of life in territory 37
by p.m.
“Mr Hug, so how do you feel after five
years of ter.org37?”
“Great. As you can see, the transformation
has been a huge success. By the way, no mister, please, just hug.”
“OK, hug, where I’m from, territory
37, as you please to call it, is being accused of exaggerated egalitarianism
and of a relapse into the crudest forms of planned economy.”
“I can understand that. But we only
made egalitarian those aspects of life nobody cared about any more, and
we only plan what’s no fun if unplanned. We’ve left behind
all those excitements about capitalism, socialism, state or market. We’ve
organised everything reasonably and live for our hobbies now.”
“How would you define the basic principle
of ter.org37?”
“Life consists of organisation and decoration.
Organisation must be efficient and be able to secure basic needs. Decoration
is everything else: art, culture, parties, clothing-styles ... The better
the org, the more is left for dec.”
“But it’s exactly your clothing-style
that looks extremely uniform-like...”
“Come on! takes care of climatically
adapted and ecologically sustainable basic clothing—everybody is
free to add as much ind.dec as she pleases...”
“I think you should explain this in
“Gladly. In each there is a
tex.dep in the con.dep...”
“I have to interrupt again. In territory
37 a rationalized language has been introduced, all words consisting of
only two or three sounds. Territory is ter, textile is tex, depot is dep,
consumption is con, basis bas etc. hug himself used to be called Hugentobler.
These terms can form compounds by putting a dot in between. They’re
also used on the But perhaps we should begin again with”
“Yes, let’s try to be systematic.
All ter.ind are organised in of about 500 ind.”
“An ind is an individual...”
“Right, not an Indian! Incidentally,
there are quite a few Indians in our ter.”
“Not quite. I assume India would comprise
about 100 ter, let’s say numbers 345 to 457. An Indian could e.g.
be a ter.389.ind. However it would be more convenient for her to introduce
herself with her glo.num.”
“The global identification number. It’s
generated by a random program and assigned to every ind on the planet.
I’m 037 04 256 100 227. 27 for my friends.”
“You seem to be fascinated by abbreviations
and figures...”
“Fascination is hardly the right word.
It’s all about avoiding redundancy, about an ecological use of signs,
words, numbers to save paper, natural fibers and all substances used to
carry data. It’s about res.eff.”
“Resources efficiency!”
“Congratulations! Additionally glo.num
makes it possible not to register all other personal data like sex, name,
religion, marital status, nationality, parents etc. Everybody can choose
or change her name as she pleases. All the contracts with other inds—including
marriage—are private. You can have children, change your sex, style
yourself as a !Kong—glo.num doesn’t know. In fact glo.num
assures a perfect protection of privacy.”
“Back to the systematic explanation
of You began with”
“Right. is our everyday type
of organisation, a new, simple, extended household. It’s small enough
for all bas.ind to know each other, but still big enough to avoid that
sticky social intimacy. Above all it’s very efficient in all aspects
of logistics. Firstly bas.ind live in compact, perfectly insulated zero-energy
buildings, typically eight stories high and 100 meters long, 20 meters
wide. These bas.dom palaces have elevators, but if necessary you still
can reach the upper floors on foot—consider the stairs as a kind
of integrated work-out-center. Most bas.dom are built around an inner
yard, where the children play, where there is a swimming-pool, half in-door,
half out-door, where activities of all kinds occur—soc.dec! The
ground floor is usually reserved for infrastructure services: a central
kitchen, depots, a big laundry, several saloons, dining halls, cafes,
bars, a kindergarten, media-saloons, workshops—life!”
“So all inds are forced to have their
meals together in big dining-halls...”
“Why? That would be unbearable. No,
res.eff in the food-sector is guaranteed by preparing a varied, seasonally
adapted a-la-carte offer in a state-of-the-art restaurant kitchen. bas.ind
can choose, if they want to eat together in social combinations of their
liking, or if they prefer to have the food catered to their family, community
or single ind.ap.”
“So inds are not supposed to do any
cooking in their apartments?”
“They may. I personally would prefer
not to use up my res.quot with energy-intensive cooking, but I’d
rather invest it in an ocean cruise or a flight to Brasil.”
“Aha. This extreme control fetishism
“Just hold it! There is only one planet
and all glo.ind are entitled to the same share of its resources.”
“That’s entirely correct. We
all agree on that, but...”
“... nobody takes action accordingly.
We say: every ind is entitled to an energy-equivalent of 500 Watt per
day. That’s only about 20 times less than the actual 10’000
Watts in your country, that are ruining the eco-sphere. Other resources
are allotted on the same principle. res.eff is accounted for by a personal
resources account, res.quot. Of course, not everything we do can be monitored,
but our res.pol are doing their best.”
“A resources police!”
“We only have one planet—all means—even
desperate ones—must be used to save it.”
“And I bet, all res.quots are registered
in a central computer system...”
27—pulls a rainbow-colored credit card out of his jacket pocket.)
“This is our tot.inf card. Everything
is registered on its memory chip: glo.num, lab.quot, mon.quot, blood-type,
allergies, tex sizes. All this information is on ter.sys as well, but
people seem to have a kind of nostalgic attachment to the credit card
“But this is dramatic: you’ve
established the transparent citizen!”
“Logically. I mean: whoever hasn’t
done anything evil has nothing to fear from full disclosure. Those who
used to be against the fully transparent citizen were typically the same
who had skeletons in their cellars. But tell me: how can a society function
with full ecological and social efficiency if there are no data at its
“But your, the state, has full
control over its citizens. This must lead to misuse of power on an unprecedented
scale. Big eco-brother watching you...”
“So be it. But sober up. Information
doesn’t mean control, knowledge doesn’t produce power. These
are purely ideological claims. Take power: you’re a member of ter.ex,
the territorial executive council. What does it mean? Power? Not at all:
lots of meetings, a lot of paper work, all kinds of hassles. We’ve
got difficulty finding candidates for administrative positions. What advantage
should I get out of my job? Sure, the working time is accounted for on
my lab.quot, but it hasn’t got any influence on my res.quot, my
20 m2 of living space...”
“You happen to be a member of ter.ex.”
“Correct. I’m there for the No
Nonsense party.”
“We were talking about”
“Right, we must proceed systematically.
So, the take care of life in a basic sense, in fact it’s
a kind of package deal, as we used to have them in the holiday business.
The difference is, that we’re costumers and staff, taking turns. are mostly urban units, in the country they can also exist, less
compact, may-be. Not to forget: each has 90 ha of land, somewhere
in the, which provides a high level of self-sufficiency.”
“I can’t understand this. Why
don’t you produce food on a large scale by the—why
these archaic city/country-exchanges?”
“Because industrial agriculture is not
efficient. We’ve had to replace it by a new type of mixed cultivation
to save the soil and to be independant of external energy supply. To achieve
this intensive work by a lot of people is needed. Big units are no advantage
in this form of agriculture. Periodical work on the is also an
aspect of soc.dec.”
“What was this again?”
“Social decoration. Doing things together
because it’s fun. Agriculture cannot be run like the industry. Direct
relationships between producers and consumers are essential to avoid scandals
like BSE, MFD, antibiotics poisoning, generally loss of quality.
are logistically ideal for this type of supply. And there is something
like the love for the land: agriculture is closer to child-rearing than
to industry. Looking after plants and animals. Evidently produces
salt, sugar and oils industrially.”
“So there are no free farmers left,
just these kolkhoses.”
“Farmers have never been independent—that
would be a contradiction in itself. As any producer, they have to sell
their produce to somebody and they’re bound to be dependent from
the buyers. The cooperation with bas.orgs was based on free contracts
and it has proved to be much more profitable and enjoyable than being
dependent on big supermarket chains. Most agr.orgs have now merged with
their city counterparts into one household-unit: less stress for everybody
involved, simpler accounting and faster help in times of emergency.”
“The first thing I noticed in
the uniform clothing, all natural beige or eggshell-white fabrics...”
“Yes. In fact it was a deal with the
other no-nonsense parties, which opted for different solutions. All ter.ind
get the same clothing items from their tex.dep: natural, organically grown,
non-colored cotton, linen, wool. You have your measures taken and every
day you can collect your freshly washed and ironed set of clothing and
sheets in your ground-floor depot. tex.inf is registered on your tot.inf
card and you can get your size in any There are underpants, socks,
T-shirts, shirts, a very elegant jacket, a padded coat for the winter,
women’s dresses etc. The set was designed by the best designers
in the territory—after an open competition. The advantages are obvious:
everything can be washed in big, energy-efficient washing-machines, nobody
needs to store clothing or textiles in their flat, nobody needs to think
of clothing at all and is free to enjoy any kind of dec-nonsense.”
“But you can also have yours clothes
tailored individually.”
“Of course. But then you have to take
care of this personally, and your res.eff might suffer. Almost nobody
is into this anymore.”
“But the general uniformity...”
“Any kind of efficiency implies a certain
level of monotony: mass production, economy of scale! No way around this.
As you can see, it was exactly that has generated an explosion
of ind.dec: people wear immense turbans, they decorate themselves with
scarves, jewelery, especially gold, they tattoo themselves, grow beards,
invent funny hair-styles...”
“I can’t help noticing that you
have had your nostrils pierced.”
“Ironically is a big success.
We’ve had to open shops in New York, Tokyo, London, Paris.
clothing is one of our big export hits. Our CD-ROM is very popular,
“You mean: you’re exporting your
social system?”
“Sure, for free., including and, calibrated to 10 million ind, can be loaded down
and put into action by anybody, globally, as”
“Maybe here we have to supply a few
infos on ter.org0: 10 million ind, 50’000 square kilometers—about
the size of Belgium or Pennsylvania—, between 40° and 50°
north or south, medium rainfalls...”
“ can be adapted to any climate,
surface, or topograhic condition. It’s a basic program for the planet.”
“Okay, but we wanted to proceed systematically.
We already have taking care of all everyday needs. And beyond
“ Consisting of 20,
10’000 ind, and providing, as its name suggests, the urban sphere
for the ind. In bigger cities would be a neighborhood, a borough,
in the country a small rural town.”
“And there is nothing in between?”
“Why should there be? Smaller settlements
cannot provide a compact, would only spoil the countryside and
take away land from the farmers. A real ind can only live in minimal urban
surroundings. Man is an urban being, she degenerates in the country. A
few villages and hamlets may have survived, but they’re not really
part of”
“Just a moment: does this mean, that
there are people in your, that do not fully belong to”
“Of course. is not totalitarian,
it’s an offer. As a rule 10% of everything isn’t,
but, or even This was part of our coalition contract with
the Some-Nonsense Party. Our more radical partner, the Absolutely-No-Nonsense
party, was strictly against the 10% rule—they didn’t want
any ter.mon and they wanted to reduce res.quot to 200 Watts.”
“Territorial money in notes, so that
it can circulate without being controlled by the central accounting computer.”
“A kind of free market economy?”
“Not really—not much more than
pocket money. Our system is very simple: there is an ind.lab.quot, a number
of hours you must work in a lifetime, at the moment it’s 27’086
hours, or 9.27602 years of eight-hour-days, without counting free days
or vacations. Your tot.inf always tells you the individual state of the
account. The equivalent of what you have there—allowing for a little
over-draw—can be spent for goods in the, the organisation
of distribution. But only, if your ind.res.quot agrees with it. To make
the system a bit more flexible without compromising its efficiency it
was decided that 10% of your lab.quot can be paid in ter.mon. This makes
sense, especially for foreign visitors, who can change their dollars or
euros into ter.mon and spend those in hotels, shops, trains etc.”
“Sounds too good to be true. What happens
if somebody just doesn’t want to work, or when you’re ill,
handicapped, drug-dependent...”
“Alright, is bit more complex
than outlined above. What helps is a completely integrated, computerized
labour market—as you would call it—of about 5 million able
workers between 15 and 70. This means, that it’s no problem to find
a suitable job, even on short notice. If necessary, you can get an extra
res.quot bonus for additional mobility needed to get to your job. Moving
to another is extremely easy: just pack a bag with some personal
belongings, and off you go: no furniture, no clothing, no pots and plates!
Each keeps a reserve of 10% of space to facilitate this kind of
mobility. When they’re full, you go to If you’re
ill, a replacement is easy to find. The handicapped, of course, can get
work according to their abilities and a reduced vit.lab.quot. Additional
flexibility derives from the fact, that each ind can spread or concentrate
her nine years of work according to her wishes. You work a year, take
a break of a year, you work a month here and there, you take 20 hour work
weeks, etc. If you go into training, this counts as work, too.”
“And if somebody works more than her
“Then she can only get those 10% in
“The rest can be passed on to the heirs?”
“No, when you die, all your accounts
are frozen and stored—for ever. There is nothing to pass on, except
a few personal items. A ter.ind doesn’t really own anything, not
even her clothes. We’re basically poor, or free, it depends on how
you see it.”
“And if somebody still doesn’t
want to work?”
“You mean: the hard-core work refusers.
We can’t do much about it. She’ll be approached by nice and
understanding lab.funs—labour functionaries—who will counsel
her and make her the best possible offers. There are a few guidelines,
too. At the age of 30, you should have worked 30% of your lab.quot. We’re
not really ready to believe those, who promise to do all their lab.quot
between 80 and 90, and pass on to other universes before they ever get
there. And then there’s also lab.dec: work conditions have improved
greatly taking in account the relative autonomy of the workers—it’s
become really attractive to work. No stress, no speed-up, maximal safety,
a good atmosphere.”
“And how have you organised your social
security systems?”
“There are none, of course. How could
there be? takes care of all your needs, whether you work or not,
when you’re ill or old. In case of illness, just go to the med.dep,
talk to a med.op or As I said, we’re an all inclusive offer.”
“med.op seems to be your term for a
“Exactly. There are also agr.op, mob.op,
tex.op, dom.op, did.op, a lot of fun. of all kinds, and dec.ops!”
“Got it.”
“And if someone still refuses to work,
even after having been counselled by your persuasive lab.funs?”
“Aha, you seem to be really concerned
about free-riders. Now, even if you refuse work, you’ll have to
live somewhere, in a, and there will be people. They’ll
tell you, that they’re not so happy with your behaviour. You move
on to another—but there are phones, and word will get around...
It is obvious, that social cooperation only works under the condition
of functioning social communication, free-riders can only exist in relative
anonymity. You need constant social feed-back, so that cooperative behaviour
pays and defection doesn’t. Read Dawkins, The Selfish Gene.”
“So there is social control.”
“Yes—there’s no way around
it. Some work must be done. Now, if a non-worker has some charm, you can
still define him as a dec.op or a phil.op. Or you can send her into politics.
There’s a lot of leeway. Don’t forget that the introduction
of reduced the overall economic activities to about 20% of what
they were before, and also work. So there isn’t really a very heavy
work-load. But we definitely can’t live on dec. alone.”
“Sounds very puritan to me.”
“It’s still true—it’s
one of the flaws of this universe. A real challenge, too.”
“No paradise.”
“Not in this universe. But there are

“As a visitor I was allowed to enter on a temporary basis. It was rather awkward, I must say. At the
border I had to check in at a office. Then you pay a 50 dollar
deposit for each day you want to stay. This means you don’t have
to work, but you still have to keep within your res.quot. Then they take
your fingerprints and scan your iris. You get issued your glo.num and
your tot.inf card. In the next room, there’s a tex.dep, where they
take your measures and hand you over your clothing, depending on the season.
You can have your old clothes stored. I must say, putting on the new clothes
and seeing myself in a mirror was really fun. You suddenly look so ter.orgish.
After that you’re free to travel all over the ter37, have meals
in any, find rooms in most of them. With your card you can consult
the state of your quots at any machine—a kind of ATM, which
you find at any street corner. Everything is free. You can even enroll
at and accumulate a little lab.quot. Usually it’s some cleaning
in a bas.dom, or some help in a kitchen. Upon your departure, your lab.quot
is subtracted from your deposit and you get back the rest, or all of it,
but never more, unfortunately.”
“That’s because we don’t
want to exploit foreign workers. And what’s the experience like
for you?”
“An eerie feeling of freedom. After
the first shock of iris-control, all those questions in the office,
the taking of measures, I mean. Suddenly I had time for a lot of things.”
“That’s the point: no-nonsense
org, so that more nonsense is possible. Sounds paradoxical, but such is
“I had a big scare, though, when I
realised, that I couldn’t board a train, because my res.quot was
empty. I was stranded in urb32, in the mountains.”
“You must have been travelling around
too much. Yeah, the res.quot can play you some nasty tricks. Its handling
requires some experience and foresight. You have to combat the instant-satisfaction-mentality,
that puts such a stress on the resources. Most of us accumulate a res.quot
reserve for emergencies, like a flight to Mexico, when you get your late-winter
“Thanks for your advice. Now, mobility
is the topic.”
“ This means the ind on foot,
and most of the rest of the trips by public bikes.”
“Exactly. All of this puts no stress
on the res.quot. We’ve got a somewhat reduced system of public transportation,
so that every urb can be reached. These trips are charged to lab.quot
and res.quot. Finally there’s a territorial car-share organisation,, even—Rolls Royce Silver Shadows, Maibachs,
Ferraris, Chevrolets—for birthdays, existential crises and such—but
these impinge on your quots considerably.”
“No private cars?”
“Theoretically possible, but such a
burden, that you’d use up your whole res.quot just for this. You’d
have to be a real automobile-freak.”
“So then, individual transportation
is virtually no option...”
“You can get wherever you want, maybe
not as fast as before and not on short notice. Very few flights, only
a few thousand kilometers of international train trips. Mobility is not
a need in itself, but a function of the territorial lay-out of social
systems. If work, living and entertainment are geographically separated,
a lot of unenjoyable trips are necessary. Now,, and,
optimized by ter.sys, allow for everyday functions being mostly within
foot or bike distance. If you consume mobility, it should be for pleasure,
like drives into the country, surprise visits to friends, or races on
some of the remaining highways. Speed can’t be replaced by anything
else. Some people need it from time to time. This has nothing to do with
old-time commuting. However the Absolutely-No Nonsense party wanted to
scrap all cars...”
“You always mention other parties.
Does this mean, that you are a democracy?”
“We’re absolutely democratic.
Everything is democratic, the have their elected bas.ex of 10
ind and a general assembly, bas.leg, of all bas.ind. have an urb.leg
of 100 delegates and an urb.ex of 10 ind, the alike and in the
whole there’s a ter.leg of 100 representatives and ter.ex
of 10...”
“And nothing bigger than territories,
no nations?”
“Nothing bigger. We found out that bigger
units are ecologically unsound and socially hazardous. I mean, nations
have a very bad record of peacefulness.”
“A very rational approach, expressed
also by your flag: just a natural-beige cotton cloth with the number 37
on it...”
“In a natural blue dye.”
“What about emotions? National feelings...”
“Rather not. We think the concept nation
is somewhat childish, may be appropriate for adolescents. But we intend
to grow up...”
“What about justice?”
“Yes—there’s, an
independently structured system of elected judges, up from to The position of judges is very strong, they don’t even
have a lab.quot!”
“And there’s ter.pol, I presume.”
“Right. urb.pol, reg.pol, ter.pol. Excellent
policemen, clever detectives... We are a”
“The ideal police-state.”
“Exactly. However all police interventions,
all sanctions, must always be supervised and decided by a judge or jury.
You have the right to see a jur.op within an hour of your arrest.”
“Still, where I come from, the idea
of a police-state doesn’t seem particularly attractive.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry.
I tried to show off with my flippancy. There’s really very little
policing taking place around here. No shops to lift, no banks to hold
up, everybody lodged and fed. No mass anonymity.
The term police is derived from the Greek
word polites—which just means citizen. And that’s what we
do: everybody takes a two-week course in basic police work and then you
can apply for shifts or are called in when it’s necessary. There’s
no uniform—in fact we are already uniformed. You put on one of those
fluorescent green vests over your tex with POLICE on them, and off you
go. No weapons, no sticks, just a notebook. Your job just consists in
politely reminding your co-citizens of their duties and to keep public
spaces orderly and clean.”
“And what kind of sanctions would you
face in ter37?”
“The Absolutely-No Nonsense party wanted
to introduce a modified version of the islamic sharia: floggings, beheadings,
public shaming etc. for ecological reasons, to save all those expenses
for prisons. The Some-Nonsensers only wanted deductions from lab.quots
and res.quots, according to the type of crime. Now we’re somewhere
in between. For non-violent crimes we use deductions—very handy,
fast and cost-efficient—and it hurts. Violent perpetrators are sent
to, pentitentiaries that are run like, just with a
high wall around it.”
“There are certain similarities...”
“To reduce costs. are largely
self-sufficient, you can call that practical resocialisation.”
“But no public floggings.”
“It would have been bad soc.dec.”
“The new, better human has
not arisen, so far?”
“No, we’re all lazy, weak and
wily bums. But we’ve decided not to let that pass. Alone we’re
weak, but under strong police supervision, we’re strong. pol.dec!”
“ seems to be as democratic
as one could wish. But how did it come into being? Was there an eco-social
“No, no, everything evolved in a democratically
correct fashion. Proposition ter.org37 was submitted as a package to the
electorate and we got a 52% vote in favour of it. There were some problems
of transition, though. One of them was the neutralisation of all personal
assets, and a uniformisation of the incomes...”
“... the rich must have been on the
“Not at all. There was no expropriation,
just an indefinite freezing. And we have par.sim.”
“Not again. All these abbreviations!”
“It’s very simple. All data on
property, accounts and incomes, based on tax forms, was stored in a big
simulation program, that is also taking in account the probable evolution
of them, plus the career of the owners. Now, whenever I’m in a mood
of it, I can consult ter.sys and see how I would have fared financially
in the old system, if I would have become a CEO or a homeless, if I would
be unemployed, sent to a war etc. Should be abolished one day,
we could switch to par.sim and continue as before.”
“You seem to have learned from cases
like East Germany.”
“They had a lot of problems finding
all the records, there. So far, most ter.ind are rather shocked, when
they take a look at par.sim.”
“Understandably. What you call simulation
is the real plight that awaits me after this vacation.—Now, back
to the early days of”

“Another problem were the diverging
views of the different parties. So, the definite was a product
of coalition discussions between the three winning No Nonsense parties.
The Absolutely-No-Nonsense party wanted to implant a tot.inf chip in our
earlobes for total and easy control, everywhere. You just walk through
electronic gates and all your quots are monitored. The Some-Nonsense people
were against electronic registration. Result: the tot.inf card! The Absolutists
wanted to abolish the christian calendar and just count the hours after
the start of, no days, no years! The Moderates wanted to introduce
a ten-day week, a ten-month-year and two weeks of celebrations. No, we
count the years since the start and number all days through the year,
from 1 to 365 or 366. It’s 5.251 today. Now, if some groups or whole
communities prefer days or weeks or whatever, they can do that privately.
Every group—think of religious communities—can establish their
own holidays. Takes a lot of heat from intercultural relations. The Absolutists,
abs, wanted to impose a compulsory, simplified, phonetic one-syllable
language, mi.ko, of only two sounds per word, to save time and paper.
The compromise: min.eng is only used in the system, everybody can speak
the language she likes, additionally min.eng can be used just for fun.”
“Some fun.”
“The Absolutists wanted a military of
50,000, the Moderates of 100,000, now it’s 75,000. The abs wanted
to admit everybody with a lab.quot of a 1000 as a ter.ind, now you need
10 signatures from your as well—your godfathers/mothers,
so to speak. You see, is already a compromise of three parties.
But then there’s also BTOS.”
“A new disease?”
“No, our opposition party, back to the
old system. For them we established par.sim, against the will of the abs,
of course. BTOS now has 22% of the votes. There are a few splinter parties,
the anarchists, who want to assign all public functions by the lot, the
Fedorovian Progressists (FP), who want to raise the lab.quot every year
by 10% so that we could build the quantum computer earlier, the BTB-movement,
back-to-basics, that would like to go down to a res.quot of 10 and abolish
electricity. Our coalition holds 65% of the seats in the ter.leg at the
“And there has been no counter-revolutionary
movement of the rich?”
“No. Most of them only considered their
wealth as a guarantee for comfort and security. offers both. Why
confront all the hassles with shares, asset-managers, taxes...”
“No more taxes?”
“What for? There is no state, no economy,
just a general logistic organisation, The ind enter their needs
and wishes into, where they’re processed and sent to
and, which in turn figure out what’s feasible with the lab.quot
and res.quot at their disposal.”
“An ideal market economy.”
“Yes, but centrally organised and planned.
And based on the principle of demand: only those goods are produced for
which a demand has been established beforehand. There’s no wasteful
dumping of goods on an anonymous market. Nothing gets lost, no waste.”
“But not every wish is fulfilled.”
“Not even in ter37. However you still
have 10% of Maybe you can find there, what couldn’t be
produced efficiently on a larger scale. There are markets in every
and for specialities, jewelery, perfumes, spirits, paints, books,
CDs, car parts.”
“The seems to be a kind of
buffer system for the bas.orgs.”
“They represent a qualitatively different
level of life and organisation. You find building materials there, all
kinds of machines, a dentist, academies, cafes, dance halls. There’s
a certain anonymity, just shy of discommunication. Some call the, the democratic sphere in the sense of old Greek democracy. It’s
the stage for the citizen as a public figure, not as a household member,
as in the The same is even more obvious for a, typically
an agro-urban region of between 200,000 and a million ind. Such a city
would provide metropolitan structures and services like an opera house,
public transportation, hospitals, international meeting halls, a mundane
city center. A consists of 10”
“Which makes the brave new world complete.”
“Not at all. A number of work
together in a subcontinental framework, Don’t forget: no
more big nations. But on a certain technological level—let’s
say electronics, chemical industry, vehicles, mechanical components, steel
etc.—cooperation of on a broader scale is needed. Such sub.orgs
could be West Asia, North America, South Asia, Oceania (Pacific area):,,,, etc. Unfortunately, we’re
still alone as ter37. Strictly speaking our days are counted, if other are not constituted very soon. As long as the rest of the world
still clings to its archaic-dysfunctional organisation, we have to make
compromises in many fields. We must produce for export, so that we can
import certain needed resources. We can be blackmailed and are objectively
exploited. That’s why we have such a high lab.quot. Our costs are
low, but we are not able to profit entirely from this—somehow we’re
a low-wage country. And there were incidents of political pressure...”
“When President Hillary Clinton
put you on the rogue states list.”
“We sent her a set of clothing
and now she shows up in them everywhere. We can only hope, that
is loaded down all over the planet and that more and more are
founded. Very soon we should put the world on glo.par.sim. is
“! Sounds like the name of a
monster. Are you really sure, that you’ve got the right answer to
all the problems on this planet, to all the diversity...”
“All I know is that we need such an
answer. 80% of the people on this planet live below a decent mon.quot
of 5000 dollars a year. 20% use up 80% of the planetary res.quot. There
are hundreds of millions of angry young people with no perspective of
a decent life. If there’s no rational offer for these people, they
will explode in some way. They can be manipulated by all kinds of demagogic
leaders and cliques. We must choose between a just and ecologically sound or—chaos, misery and war. The offer must come
from those on the planet who—let’s say—enjoy already
more than 20’000 glo.mon (euros/dollars) a year and have a res.quot
above 4000 Watt—there must be a transfer to the pauperised regions
of the planet, to allow a transition to a sustainable life-style:
But this would not be a gift, it would mean paying back some of the profits
since early colonialism. And would be the same for all of us,
our common cause.”
“OK, I hear you. But what about cultural
diversity? Isn’t a product of typically western thinking?
Are you serious, that you can just rationalise fundamenalist islamic,
hindu or christian movements?”
“ has nothing to do with culture.
As I said, dec is free: what you eat isn’t defined by, just
that you eat. doesn’t tell anybody what to think, how to
dress, who to marry, when to sleep, when to work. Of course you could
say, that its strictly formal democratic system can get in conflict with
traditional forms of government. It will also weaken the position of some
men, because there is the 40%-rule: 40% of all ex, leg etc. must be either
men or women. But then again, these so-called traditional forms of government
have a very bad record. just makes sure, that all ind can participate
in their common cause: the planet.”

“Everybody agrees with you on this.
But isn’t a bit too schematic for all the different situations
on the planet. The idea of introducing your tot.inf card, your bas.orgs,
lab.quots etc. let’s say in a country like the Congo, seems ridiculous.
Couldn’t there be simpler concepts...”
“6 billion humans live on this planet.
We’re all hooked up to highly complex technological systems, all
dependent on fast communication and efficient organisation. There is no
Congo any more. We cannot fall back on supposedly simple systems. It’s
obvious that can only be started in highly organised areas, that
have accumulated the appropriate resources. It’s a reference model
based on this type of societies. And then will allow these territories
to shift a lot of the then superfluous resources to areas that had been
deprived of them. is not an instant solution, but a plan to be
put in action.”
“ in the rain forest?”
“I think non.tex is the most energy-efficient, and very uniform, too...”
“Why not? Of course, in tropical climates
you wouldn’t need those compact eight-story buildings. But any village
can be complemented with a few amenities and function as a
is very much needed in some of the chaotic urban spreads we see in Africa
or Asia. Some railroads can be built, streets paved for bicycles,
“What if some communities do not want
to join”
“Then they can chose to be left alone.
I’d still send some glo.funs there to make sure that this is the
will of the people and not just of some traditional autocrats. I think
the consciousness of being a global society has reached even the smallest
villages. The need to have a voice in one’s own affairs, public
and private, and to get rid of patriarchal rules, whatever their legitimation
ideologies might be, is felt everywhere, especially among the young and
the women. There’s no valid cultural argument against democracy.
If people can not fully participate in their societies everywhere, we’ll
just see disruptive flows of migration, economic and cultural refugees,
empty countrysides and overpopulated pseudo-cities. The planet is ready
“Yes, but planned economies have failed
everywhere. The world is just too diverse for such a schematic approach.”
“There have been no planned economies
so far. There were a few attempts of mafias organized as parties and decorating
themselves as communists or socialists to use state capitalist means to
stabilize their hold on political power. No planning based on democratic
input ever happened—what we saw was just command economy. In reality
much more planning than ever took place in the Soviet Union, or let’s
just call it comprehensive logistics, is practised today by multinational
companies. Some of them are bigger than many nation-states, have hundreds
of thousands of employees, combine millions of components. And don’t
forget, that food supply is in the hands of the and needs no overall
planning at all. Industrial production is now reduced to 20% of its former
amount: almost no cars, no private machines, no supermarkets, simplified
clothing. The exchange of goods on a level will be only about
10% of the actual world market. So, we’re not talking of planning
the existing over-sized global economy, but of rationalizing a small remainder
of it.”
“So, all those villagers in the Congo
can look forward to getting their tot.inf card?”
“Yes, it’s their ticket to the
world society. We already produce billions of credit cards at the moment
and, as I said, we don’t even need the most advanced computers to
run a few billion lab and res accounts. Of course, the basic infrastructure
must be supplied to everybody.”
“And if the local war-lords oppose
the new system?”
“Then we have”
“So you would send in troops to make
sure that democracy is established?”
“Why not—it has happened before.
Think of the international brigades in Spain in 1936. National sovereignty
cannot be invoked to protect dictatorial regimes., under the control
of glo.leg, would be good news in many parts of the globe.”
“Unfortunately, the we actually
have is dependent on the US military and on the will of a lot of non-democratic
nations in the UN that are run exactly by those autocrats, that should
be ousted.”
“I’m aware of that. The situation
is so bad, that you’d even prefer direct US-occupation to being
oppressed by US-sponsored proxy-regimes. The real thing, so to speak.
But the old system is being eroded from below. We’ll have more and
more territories instead of nations and one day, all the 600 of them will
form the new glo.leg, which might or might not grow out of the UN. I think,
that basic and territorial changes in the USA will play a pioneering role
in this process. After all, and,, the idea of
economical and ecological fairness expressed in lab and res.quot are old
American ideals. You could say, that is a typically American idea.”
“A new avatar of the US-satan! All
very rational, but what about religious and nationalist fanatism...”
“rel.dec! As much as you want. As long
as your lab.quot is up-to-date, as long as you vote and respect the others,
you can believe what you want. is no ideology, it’s culturally
neutral. I believe that so-called religious or nationalistic extremisms
are mostly a quid pro quo, i.e. religious language is used to express
a protest against economic or cultural exploitation. The “evil west”
just stands for global capitalism. On the other side, the “crazy
islamic terrorist” is just a scarecrow to keep the workers in line
in the west. For those, who really need a religion and want to get away
from the old ones, we’re proposing glo.rel, a spiritual system,
that uses few resources, no prayers needed, and is quite transcendental.”
“You can’t be serious! Are you
actually proposing a new global religion?”
“Why not? It’s good to have some
ideas about life after death and other issues, like the sense of life.
glo.rel goes like this: the power of computing doubles every few years.
The quantum computer, the next big leap, will allow simulations of manifold
universes, including all individuals that ever lived, with all their personalities,
memories, thoughts, perceptions. This huge computer will be able to simulate
space and time, and, consequently, its own construction. Which means,
that it must already have been built in some universe and that we live
in one of its simulated universes. Every information on every quantum
is available. You cannot die, nobody ever could. You just emerge in other
universes, if you feel like it, and play other, as long as
you want.”
“Sounds like good news. Do you want
us to believe this?”
“No, it’s not believable, it’s
scientifically the most probable and least contradictory explanation of
the nature of our universe. Have you ever heard of Nikolai Fedorov?”
“Is he your prophet?”
“In a way. He lived in the late 19th
century and demanded eternal life for every human being, including our
dead brothers and sisters. This, he said, was the purpose of science and
technology. He didn’t know about computers yet, he still believed
in some god instead. Some of the founders of the Soviet Union were Fedorovians,
including Tsiolkovski, the rocket-scientist. So, Fedorovianism was the
implicit religion of the early Soviet Union. Later, of course, Stalin
returned to the depressing christian-orthodox religion and called in the
popes again. Now, we should all be Fedorovians: why die? Why not play
on in other universes? There’s no shortage of games: Middlearth,
Dune, Earthsea, Anares... we’ll invent others and better ones. Everything
is possible, for ever.”
“But life is tragic.”
“Who says that? Only those who daren’t
be happy. We’re all so modest and say things like: eternal life
wouldn’t be bearable, one life is more than enough, you gladly leave
when you’re 95, we’ve all become dirty existentialists, minimalists
“You want to avoid disappointments.”
“Then suicide is the solution. No further
disappointments there. glo.rel is max.dec.rel. Everything else is not
enough for us.”
“But this is utter heresy...”
“It’s the end of any possible
heresy. The quantum computer I mentioned can be called god or allah by
those who wish and the rest falls in place for them anyway. Hindus might
want to consider their gods as sub-routines of the main simulation program—or
not. Buddhists will feel relieved anyway: rebirth is not compulsory, or
could even be enjoyable. Atheists are happy anyway. They always knew.”
“Pray to Saint Nicolas Fedorov! If
life is just a simulation and everybody can be sure to show up again in
other universes—then nothing is serious. I mean, all the victims
of recent massacres...”
“If you take this universe seriously,
you’re bound to be too scared to act any more.”
“You seem to have thought about everything
very carefully, from clean underware to universal religion. Is there anything
you haven’t thought of?”
“OK, then, thanks for the interview,